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Ground Control - Christmas Double Edition | Property and Economic Updates 🚀🚀🚀[december 2020]

Whether its interest rates, US elections, Chinese - Australian relations or just plain old company performance, Emmanuel Calligeris provides an important summary of where to from here as we move out of the recession.

Everyone likes to talk property with as many people saying its going up as there are saying its going down. Here from one of the key property researchers Dominic Cavagnino from Binnari who will provide some great insights into why it doesn’t matter in Australia with a multiplicity of property markets!



We shared with you our first online presentation at the end of March 2020 where share markets bottomed, and most investors were in deep panic and fear mode because of the fallout of the global pandemic. The presentation was well received and many of our investors managed to remain calm, and most importantly, remained invested albeit at an extremely challenging time.

Share markets have since bounced strongly as governments around the world have acted swiftly with substantial stimulus packages and central banks have dropped interest rates. Investors have somewhat come to terms with the ‘new normal’ and are now more focused on the future amid a patchy recovery of economic and business activities. Please join Emmanuel Calligeris, Chairman of the Investment Committee, for a second update on the investment markets.

In this presentation, Emmanuel provides a deeper dive into the performance of different asset classes throughout this unprecedented period and has offered a balanced outlook of global and domestic economy.


Ground Control - Episode 7 | Uncover, Discover, Recover the Road Through Recession 🚀

Our Ground Control sessions have been focused around the impacts of COVID-19 and the major oil shock on the markets. Now it’s time to start the conversation about recession and the road through recession. With the official confirmation from the treasurer that we are in recession, Emmanuel Calligeris unpacks the related issues we are now confronted with. What is the definition of this recession – should we be worried? Where will some of the opportunities rise from. How are our markets responding to this announcement of recession and how current world events such as our trade with China and the civil unrest in USA are impacting the economy. 



Ground Control - Episode 6 | The Rollercoaster is over: Now for the Road Bumps! 🚀🚀🚀

The rollercoaster may have slowed down but there are likely to be many road-bumps along the way. Emmanuel Calligeris shares his insights into how companies will report in a Covid 19 environment , including such things as asset write-downs. He discusses the need to look for total return not dividends, the timing of when the stimulus will get to wallets and impacts on trade with other countries. He discusses the internal road-bumps such as the resumption of consumption and employment.


Ground Control - Episode 5 | Client Behaviour in an Asymmetric Financial World 🚀🚀🚀

This edition of Ground Control we have special guest Andrew Inwood from CoreData Research who provides some valuable insights based on the research CoreData have been doing. Specifically around the adviser sentiment, how are the advisers really feeling during these times of uncertainty…Positive? Optimistic or Pessimistic? Andrew also explains how client sentiment is travelling with a huge drop on 1st April, but what have the statistics shown thereafter?

Have you heard of the term “The Hammer and the Dance”? The biggest question people are searching for is what happens in the second wave of the Corona Virus. We find out the relevance of the Hammer and the dance and explore the three potential scenarios of economic recovery that we are potentially faced with.

Diving into the market and investor behaviour, Andrew reinforces that today’s financial world currently is going to be asymmetric, there is hard work involved in understanding what is happening right now. Communication is vital and Andrew introduces a post Jungian (Carl Jung) Behavioural Framework and how you can use it to break down clients into 4 distinct behavioural segments. Understanding this, helps you to understand and communicate effectively during times where nervous tension is very much prevalent.

There are so many gems in this episode of Ground Control! We hope you enjoy.


Ground Control - Episode 4 | The Road Out: Tread Carefully! 🚀🚀🚀

In this fourth edition of Ground Control Emmanuel Calligeris the Chair of the Easton Wealth Investment Committee discusses the RBA forecasts, his views on the relationship of the Australian Dollar to the US Dollar, provides an explanation on how we can get to 'negative' oil prices, the liquidity crisis faced by some large super funds and what he sees as the road out with the warning signs we need to be cognizant of. Grahame Evans CEO of Easton Wealth also discusses early access of Superannuation for those impacted by the economic damage of COVID-19.
